Hello, I'm Elisabeth.

Front-end Web Developer.


I am a front-end web developer with experience using Webflow, Javascript, and Hugo to build websites and web applications. I am enthusiastic about creatively using technology to solve real world problems. I love coding and being a part of such an innovative and exciting field. Outside of coding, my passions are baking, hiking, sewing, and playing with my cat and dog.

Kitchen Commons

Home Page

Home page for Kitchen Commons website

Blog Page

Event page for Kitchen Commons website

Kitchen Commons is a nonprofit organization in Portland, Oregon that uses food and food justice projects to foster community. Designed in Sketch, built in Webflow.

Tech Stack

Webflow, Sketch

Protocol Research Labs

Home Page

Home page for Protocol Research Labs Site

Blog Page

Blog page for Protocol Research Labs Site

Protocol Research Labs is a research site built for Protocol Labs. Built using the Hugo framework.

Tech Stack

Hugo, Tailwind CSS

Design - Spa

This is a static site purely for showcasing design and CSS styling.

Tech Stack

HTML, Sass

main section of page

Header/Main section

feature section of page

Feature section


ReadingLog is a logging web application. It is designed to help the user keep track of reading goals. This app lets the user input and update goals for books and then displays in an organized list.

Tech Stack

HTML, CSS, JQuery, Javascript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mocha, Chai, Chai-http

reading log form

Design - Art Museum

This is a static site purely for showcasing design and CSS styling.

Tech Stack

HTML, Sass

main section of page


feature section of page

Feature section

gallery section of page

Gallery section

Study Buddy

Study Buddy is a an app that allows users to connect with people to study with. The app allows users to create and find meetups in their area where students are studying together. User can login with google to create an account. From there, the user can create their own meetups to help encourage others to come and study with them! Or they can simply wait for others to create a meetup and choose to go and study.

Tech Stack

HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mocha, Chai, Chai-http

meetup list page

Design - Animal Shelter

This is a static site purely for showcasing design and CSS styling.

Tech Stack

HTML, Sass

main section of page


feature section of page

Feature section

Anxiety Blog

Anxiety Blog landing page

Anxiety Blog is a clean, simple web application designed with the intent of being a place for the user to log their anxiety or panic attacks It uses MongoDB to read and write data for the user.

Tech Stack

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, MongoDB

Contact Me